
When Worlds Collide - Chapter 9 - Altar

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  The journey from the Grey Mountains towards the Shadow Keep had been relatively eventless. The group managed some small chatter, but it was clear the tension in the air made it difficult for them to be social. Everyone had heard the tales of the terrible Emperor who planned to stomp out all light and good and steep the world into eternal darkness. The key to his plan was the sacrifice of his own daughter, which would obtain for him unfettered powers. Despite the fact that the group had been the ones to safely guide the girl back to the Temple of the Elders, they  never dreamed they would end up on a crusade to one of the dictator's safeholds. The thought of confronting the dark lord was ominous, and terrifying.

  Fariet glanced around before looking up to the night sky. Stars twinkled in the darkness and the moons shone brightly down upon them. He turned to Dorian and Trinity. "We shall camp and rest here for the night, and make the rest of the way in the morning."

  "It would probably be best not to have a fire. Emmanuel's spies are everywhere," Dorian mentioned before falling silent. The breaking of branches and ruffling of dry leaves caused everyone to tense.

  "I'll check that out," Trinity whispered as her hand wrapped around the hilt of her sword. A startled scream was heard just as the mercenary thrust her blade towards the small shadowy figure in the bushes.

  "Wait, it's just me," Luciana yelped, holding her hands up.

  "Luciana? What in god's name are you doing here?" Trinity gasped as she sheathed her sword. Before the child could reply, the mercenary grabbed her arm and dragged her back to the camp. Fariet and Dorian also had a look of shock on their faces, but it soon turned to anger.

  "What were you thinking in following us?!" Fariet demanded.

  "It's not safe here!" the mage chided.

  Luciana stood in front of the three adults, unable to hold back her emotions. She glanced down, allowing her tears to fall. "I'm sorry, but I had to come!"

  "You shouldn't have followed," the elf groaned. "We risked everything to get you to safety. It was wrong for you to jeopardize yourself like this."

  "But, Sara," the girl sobbed, the sound sorrowful. "I don't want her to die."

  Fariet sighed, uncrossing his arms. "It would be a day's journey to bring you back, and since we've come this far, you may stay." He leaned down close to the girl, taking her shoulders into his hands. "Listen carefully though, things will become very dangerous tomorrow. No matter what, you must stay by our side at all times."

  Luciana sniffed lightly before nodding, "Yes, sir."

  "Now. We should all rest for tomorrow." Fariet pulled a blanket from his bag and wrapped it around the girl. "You must try to rest, too, Princess."

  The four settled down. Luciana stayed close by Fariet's side, although she couldn't sleep at first. For several hours, she stared up at the heavens, remembering her time in Gale, thinking of Sara and Michael, and wondering how her reunion with her mother would go. After a while, her eyes became heavy and she drifted off.

  Overhead four crows landed in the branches above the sleeping travelers. They swooped down low enough to drop what looked like tiny golden seeds into their exposed ears. That is when their dreams began.

  Luciana was first. Although she had dreamed every night since arriving in Loreithia, tonight was somehow different. Less destruction and pain, and the veil of blood had been lifted. The young princess saw herself in a dark tunnel which had a strange glow at the end. There was a bright light and a figure standing there. It was her father, smiling down towards her. She wasn't quite sure if she should trust him, but she felt drawn to approach the man. "Join me, sweetheart, and all will be fine in the end."

  "I can't. This is not real."

  "It is as real as you make it, child. You want the pain to stop, don't you?"

  It was something she always wanted, a real family and a happy life--a father to love her like her mother and brother did and for the wars to never have happened. The warm feeling which rushed over her was intoxicating, but still something didn't feel quite right.

  "You just need to say 'yes', Luciana."

  The girl thought for a moment, wondering what she should do. Then the darkness of sleep swept over her.

  Dorian struggled. He hated dreaming and tried not to. He had a gift of being able to slip past the realm of dreams and drift in a quiet nothingness. But not tonight. He stood in a large castle, in the chambers of the Elders where his power had been stripped. A tall man stood before him, dressed in a black cloak.

  "Dorian. Your magic was wrongly taken from you. Now you struggle to get it back. Pity."

  The mage didn't like the scene, at all. "Who are you?"

  "I am ruler of all. I can return your magic and give you powers unimaginable. All you must say is 'yes' at the proper time."

  Dorian felt his limbs begin to shake, power within them. He rose his arms instinctively, fire shooting from his fingertips into the sky.

  "Join me," the voice spoke again in his mind before blackness covered him.

  Trinity thrashed on the ground. She was in a battle, dueling a clan of Orc. It was a re-living of the battle of Perna, where she had lost her sister — the one she had traveled and battled with since childhood. Her breath came in short gasps.


  There was fire and smoke and the smell of burning flesh. So much death and destruction.

  "You want to be a great warrior," a voice spoke.

  Trinity raised her sword, only half-aware that what was around her was not real. "I am a great warrior," she barked.

  A man appeared from the smoke, approaching her. Though she was terrified, she could not seem to raise her sword against him. "You deserve a place of honor. I could use a strong leader in my army." His lips pulled into a smirk. "There will be much gold."


  "When the times comes, you'll know..."

  The smoke thickened, blocking out the sun and dimming all around her. In another moment, darkness.

  Fariet immediately knew he was in a dream. The surreal feeling caused his skin to prickle. He was once again in the forest, right outside the Neuri Clan's cave. Everything was silent, not even the sound of a bird. He drew his bow, just in case. The figure materialized, first a cloud of smoke, then a man. Fariet had never seen Emperor Emmanuel, but he knew in an instant it was him.

  "You are an honorable man, Fariet. Strong and noble. You would do well by my side."

  The thought was so ludicrous, Fariet laughed. "I would rather die, first."

  "But there are many things more pleasant than death. Perhaps a safe place for your family, with enough so they will never want."

  Fariet realized the temptation for what it was. Growing up poor, there had been many times where they struggled and didn't have enough...all due to the pillaging of the land by the dark lord.

  "My family has been promised asylum at the Temple. They will have plenty."

  The Emperor smiled. "Something else? Gold, honor?"

  "There is nothing you can give me," Fariet spat, his hand tensing on his dagger.

  "There must be something. Or someone."

  The elf felt his heart race. He could feel the Emperor tickling his brain, reading his thoughts. "No," he whispered.

  Emmanuel's smiled melted, his eyes fading to red. "Of course, if you don't help me—" The emperor's hand rose, a woman's severed head in his grip.

  "No!!!!!" Fariet screamed.

  The elf lunged forward, his eyes opening. Darkness surrounded him, save for the small lantern that sat in the middle of the camp. He clutched his shirt, panting.

  His screams had woken the others. Luciana grabbed his arm. "Are you all right?" she asked, disappointed her dream had been interrupted. She had been so happy with her father.

  "I'm fine," he said, wiping the thick line of sweat from his brow. "It was a nightmare."

  "I had a dream, too," Luciana admitted. "But it was a good dream."

  Forcing a smile, Fariet stroked the girl's hair. "I am happy to hear that." The looks on his teammates' faces were curious and the elf turned to them. "Did you dream tonight?"

  "I never dream," Dorian grumbled, lying back down.

  Trinity was eerily silent. "Let's get back to sleep. We have a hard day ahead of us tomorrow."

  As the two settled back down, Luciana looked at the elf. There was something deep in his eyes, something she had never seen before. It scared her. "Are you all right, Fariet? Honestly?"

  "Yes, princess. Please, go back to sleep."

  Luciana snuggled under the blanket, but she continued to stare at the man. "I want to get Sara back."

  "Me too," Fariet whispered. "And we shall. Whatever it takes. Now go to sleep."

  The elf watched the small girl return to slumber, a smile on her lips from the memory of her dream before. Pondering his own dream, Fariet stared into the dark of the forest until the rays of the morning sun compelled him to wake his team-mates to continue on their journey.

*          *          *          *          *

  "Where the hell is this thing?" Trinity sneered. It was already mid-afternoon and the team had been travelling without a break. With the celestial alignment already starting in the skies above, Fariet was insistent they hurry. Once nightfall came, the sacrifice would occur.

  "I don't know. I'm just following what the soldiers said." He groaned. "We should have been there by now."

  After leaving the forest, the terrain became treacherous. Even though Dorian still missed his horse and carriage, he realized his steed would have had much trouble making it over the rocky slopes. "Let's journey past this ridge. If we don't see anything, we'll stop and rest."

  Fariet turned to argue, but the fatigued look of the group caused the protest to die on his lips. Everyone was exhausted, and he had to admit to being tired himself.

  "What would the Keep look like?" Luciana asked, rushing ahead to the top of the hill.

  "A big structure. I guess like a castle," Dorian answered.

  "Like that?"

  The group made it to where the princess was standing. In the far distance, there was a tall black building surrounded by a dead forest. "Looks just like the sort of place an evil Emperor would set up camp," Trinity said with a nod.

  Fariet sat down. "We shall rest for a few moments, eat quickly and drink. Then we must go. There's only a few hours before sunset. We must make it there before then."

*          *          *          *          *

  Deep in the pits of the dungeon of the Shadow Keep, three guards came for her. They removed her from the torture chair, leading her from the cell. Despite her fear, Sara fought against them. She knew that if she could hurt herself—mar or bruise her skin—perhaps it would buy her time. However, the men were ready for her resistance. One held her tightly as the other shoved a vial of blue liquid between her lips. They held her nose and closed her mouth to keep her from breathing, until all she could do was swallow the potion. It wasn't a moment later that she felt everything melt away. Her fear, her anger, her resolve. She felt herself slip into a deep trance and she allowed the men to quietly lead her up the stairs.

  Sara was brought to an ornate chamber where several female servants stripped her of her garments. She was bathed in an ivory tub, her skin then powered and perfumed. Her hair was brushed and jeweled ribbons woven within. She was then dressed in a long white linen gown, satins slippers placed upon her feet. An onyx stone ring was placed upon her wedding finger.

  She was still dazed as she was led down the long corridor to the ritual chamber. The walls were made of black marble. However, in the center of the room stood an altar of pure white. Directly above, the ceiling was open in a large circle. A guard lifted her onto the stone table as servants bound her wrists and ankles with heavy silk cords.

  She had not seen the Emperor but the one time in her cell. He now approached the throne, dressed in a purple hooded cloak, the smell of incense and spice all around him. With a smirk, he glanced up at the sky. As the sun was starting to descend, the two moons could be seen, slowly moving towards each other.

  The dress they had place her in was cut low, plunging nearly to her navel. The Emperor stroked her bare skin, carving a symbol with his nail into the skin between her breasts. Sara realized that was where he intended to impale her. As if in answer, the ruler pulled a jagged dagger from his belt and held it before her. "You are far from the high gift my daughter would have been. Her blood would have fed the beast for a lifetime. For now, however, you will be an appetizer—to satiate his hunger for a little while longer."

  Through the haze of the spell, Sara began to feel fear. Tears slipped from her eyes as she watched the moons above move into alignment.

*          *          *          *          *

  "All right. Two guards. Other than that, it looks pretty clear."

  Trinity cocked her head. "Only two? You'd think he'd have more than that guarding the entrance."

  Dorian shook his head. "Well maybe he thought those giant beetles back there would be enough of a deterrent." The man shuddered at the thought of the five-foot tall creatures.

  "But you were so good with your ice spell, Dorian," Luciana said with a wide smile.

  "It was Fariet's bow that saved us. He was amazing."

  The elf stared at the ugly gash in his arms, the result of one of the beast's pinchers. "We have no time to pontificate about who was the hero. Sara is still in danger." Pulling two arrows from his quiver, he loaded one and took aim. "Pray I can do this quickly and quietly."

*          *          *          *          *

  The group of four made it inside the Keep, greeted by a maze of doors and hallways. It was Luciana's theory that the offering room would be at the highest point, where the moon's rays could reach. Finding a long staircase, the team headed up.

  For a stronghold, the Keep was not heavily guarded, which was understandable. It was one of the Emperor's remote strong-holds, only used when necessary. Maintaining a large army and staff did not seem prudent. Still, there were enough guards to keep Fariet's bow and Trinity's sword busy. At the top of the stairs, they came to a long hallway.

  "Where now?" Luciana asked in a harsh whisper. From the moment she had stepped into the Keep, she had been overcome with nearly paralyzing fear. She could sense her father's presence and the darkness of his heart.

  Perhaps he is different now, she thought, remembering the man's kindness from her dream. Perhaps I can ask him to free Sara.

  Trinity motioned for them to be quiet as she drew back her sword. One of the guards appeared around the corner. She quickly thrust the weapon, stopping an inch from his throat. The man stopped, holding up his arms.

  "Where is the sacrifice to take place?"

  "The auditorium," the man stammered. He pointed to a corridor down the way. "Through there. You'll be able to see it from the balcony."

  "Thank you," Trinity smiled before driving the blade through the man's windpipe.

  Fariet grabbed Luciana's hand. "We must hurry."

  It was a short run, but the guard's words were sound. The passage led to an open area. At the end was a stone railing looking out over the auditorium — the sacrificial chamber. It was nearly all black, save for the snow white altar in the middle. A man in purple robes stood near a large gold fountain, pouring potions into it while chanting. On the altar, dazed and bound, was Sara. The sight caused Luciana to gasp. Her eyes flashed to visions she'd had since she was a baby, her father's thoughts crashing into her own. Emmanuel meant her to be there one day.

  "By the heavens," Fariet said in a ghostly whisper. "We have to save her."

  "We have to have a plan," Trinity reminded.

  "My magic is not much," Dorian spoke. "But it's the only thing that can go against Emmanuel. I shall try to distract him. You and Fariet get Sara and bring her out of harm's way. If we can get her out of the Keep, we can hide in the forest."

  "You call that a plan?" Trinity sneered. Glancing at the girl, her eyebrow perked up. "Take Luciana with you."

  "What?" Fariet gasped.

  "You want a distraction, right? Emmanuel will be more than preoccupied with her. It's the only way we're going to get Sara without him seeing."

  "I agree," Luciana said strongly. She wasn't sure why, but something told her she must go.

  Your destiny, she heard the voice from her dream whisper.

  "I don't like this," Fariet said with a shake of his head. "I don't like this at all."

  Trinity pursed her lips. "Fine. Then I'll suppose we'll have a nice view of Sara's sacrifice from up here."

  "Fariet, please," Luciana begged.

  The elf clenched his fists and nodded.

*          *          *          *          *

  Luciana felt her heart race. As she and Dorian crept down into the main room, she wondered just what she had gotten herself into. The plan seemed perfect a few minutes earlier, but now she was petrified, wondering if she would be able to go through with it all.

  From their vantage point, they could see Emmanuel. He was reading from a book, chanting. Every few minutes he would glance up at the sky. Sara was on the altar. Though she was dazed, tears streamed down her cheeks and her soft sobs could be heard between the loud chantings of the dark lord. There were several servants nearby, but the Emperor had ordered them to remain outside of the room -- he would conduct the ritual alone.

  Dorian clenched his fists. He was scared to death. His magic was nothing compared to the robed man. "Courage," he whispered to himself. He poised, readying himself. Across the chamber, at the far entrance, he caught site of Trinity and Fariet. When he gave the signal, both started to act.

  "I'll cover you here," the mercenary said, raising her sword. "If anyone comes, I'll stop them."

  The elf nodded. Across the way, he could see Dorian approaching the dark lord. Luciana was hanging back, but still visible. As expected, the Emperor was distracted by the presence of his daughter. Rushing forward, Fariet headed to the altar.

  Emmanuel turned from the fount as he heard the footsteps. The balding man approached. "Dorian," he said, folding his hands in front of him. "So you've come. I imagine you had an easy time getting in." His eyes moved to Luciana. "I wanted to make sure you returned my daughter to me, unharmed. So, have you considered a reward for your services?"

  "There will be no reward," Dorian said. "I'm here to confront you and stop your wicked ways."

  The Emperor laughed, a sound so great it thundered through the auditorium. "I don't know if I should consider you a brave soul or a damned fool." Stepping forward, the man's eyes narrowed. "I prefer the latter."

  Praying that he could remain quiet, Fariet made it to the altar. Sara did not see him at first, her eyes locked on the heavens above. However, she quickly became aware of his presence, her eyes widening. "Far—"

  Before she could speak his name, he covered her mouth. "Shh. I must get you out of here."

  The woman was weak, but she struggled against her bindings. Pulling the dagger from his belt, he sliced through them with ease. Sara tried to stand, but her eyes rolled and she sank back.

  "I'll carry you," he whispered as he scooped her into his arms.

  Across the chamber, Dorian muttered something under his breath.

  Emmanuel's attention had moved from the mage. Instead, he took a few steps forward and extended his hand. "Daughter, you have come to me."

  Luciana felt a strange mix of fear and joy. A part of her wanted to run to her father, to hug him and learn that everything would be different, that he would stop the madness and they could be together forever. Yet another part of her saw nothing but the blood and carnage the man had left, and she knew she wanted nothing to do with him.

  "Come to me," he repeated.

  In the distance, the princess could see the elf at the altar. He had Sara, but still needed more time to get her to safety. Luciana had to continue on, to give them a chance. Taking small steps, she headed towards her father.

  Fariet carried the redhead back to the entrance of the room. The chamber was cold and her exposed skin was like ice. He pulled her close, hoping his body would warm her. He knew he must get her to safety.

  Trinity was waiting, peering into the hallway. "No guards."

  Fariet nodded. "Can you stand?" he asked Sara.

  "I think so."

  Placing her upon her feet, she sagged, but managed to right herself. She leaned heavily on him.

  "We need to get out of here," he whispered.

  A smile spread across the mercenary's lips. "I don't think so." In a fluid movement, she lifted her sword, driving it into the elf's mid-section. "Sorry, elf."

  Sara's screams filled the air as Fariet collapsed at her feet. She turned to run, but Trinity drove the sword into her back and through her chest. Her cries muffled as she crashed to the stone floor.

  "I always did hate you," the woman sneered, impaling her again.

  Emmanuel's mouth opened into a roaring laugh as he stared back at the scene. Dorian was in pure shock as he saw his friends fall, watching as the mercenary disappeared with one of the guards into the Keep. "Triaorai!" he screamed. White rays of light shot from his hands, encasing the Emperor in a pure block of ice. The mage's eyes widened. "Oh, my stars, I did it."

  The large block trembled, the ice cracking. A moment later it shattered, spraying chips of frozen water everywhere. "Foolish man," Emmanuel growled. "Now you shall join your friends in the afterlife."

  As the Emperor lunged, Dorian pulled the taser from his belt, zapping the man on its highest setting. The ruler roared, staggering back as smoke rose from his fingertips.

  "So you bring lightning," the dark lord sneered. "Let me show you lightning."

  Dorian barely had a moment to say the words for his next spell when a bolt of white electricity shot from the Emperor's hand, ripping into his chest and throwing him across the chamber. His body crashed against the onyx wall and fell, unmoving, onto the floor.

  Luciana stared in horror. Death followed her everywhere—she knew she could never escape it, and it had all had been because of him...her father. She turned and glared at the man who smiled towards her.

  "Do you really think you could escape your written destiny?" Amused as his daughter visibly shook, he glanced back towards the altar, running his fingertips over the rune markings etched in the stone.

  Luciana gulped, finally managing to gather her courage. Taking her hand to the hilt of her dagger, she unsheathed it and thrust it in his direction. "I'm not afraid of you anymore!"

  Emmanuel laughed before stepping towards her. "Oh, but I think you are. You always have been, and I think you always will be." Before she could react, he grabbed her arm and spun her around, locking her against his chest. As his hand clenched her wrist which held the blade, the other snaked up to her chin, forcing her to look up to him.

  "Sweet child of mine, just embrace the destiny which has been set for you and all your pain and sorrow will ease." He watched as her blue eyes begin to water.

  Luciana was tired. She was tired of the death. She was tired of bring afraid. She was just tired. "Father, please. Make everything stop."

  Emmanuel smiled, leaning down to press a kiss upon her forehead. "That's all you had to ask." His eyes locking on hers, he muttered a spell under his breath. Luciana's eyes went from teary to a glazed. All expression left her features.

  The emperor released her, taking his daughter's hand into his. He slowly led her to the stone altar. Luciana stepped up the stairs onto the snow white table. Gently cradling her head, her father lowered her onto the alabaster slab.

  "Time to rest, my dear." He brushed a stray curl from her face. "The beast will be appeased tonight."
Go to ---> :bulletblack: Chapter 1 - Arrival ---> :bulletblack: Chapter 8 - The Elder Temple ---> :bulletred: Chapter 9 - Altar ---> :bulletblack: Chapter 10 - Sacrifice


Endorell-Taelos's comments:
Very exciting chapter this one is. We have Emmanuel, the infamous and powerful dark lord come on scene to work his dark magic and sacrifice. I very much loved the idea behind the dream seeds. Those seeds that the crows dropped into their ears came from Emmanuel's magic.

mirz-alt's comments: This was probably the best cliffhanger of the story when we were publishing these weekly. Certainly left a lot of our fans on-edge. The imagery of Sara being prepared for sacrifice was inspired heavily by the first "Clash of the Titans" movie, as well as King Kong. Just the idea of getting the sacrificial body pretty and pure, right before it's devoured! :nuu: Also, on a side note--I love Dorian. He was one of those characters that was created for a specific purpose, but ended up growing on me so much.

:pointr: General story comments: The scene in the Keep is really amazing as it shows how this team that was so disconnected in beginning pulls together for this great battle. So awesome.

:bulletblue: Feedback is always appreciated.

*** Luciana, related characters and Loreithia © Alicia Cooper -- Relativity and related characters are © Jim and Michelle Lehmann. -- This collaboration © Endorell-Taelos and mirz-alt -- Not for free use or anything else. Do not re-publish or claim as your own.***

:bulletblack: For all things Relativity, check out the group. :iconrelativitycomic:

:bulletblack: Be sure to check out the world of Loreithia. :iconloreithianchronicles:

Character Art:
Commission: Emmanuel by elfdust Commission: Evil by elfdust Commission: The Sacrifice by NadezhdaVasile
© 2012 - 2024 Endorell-Taelos
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Orion-M-42's avatar
oh here it is! here comes the climax! :D